implementation of c=a*b using ONLY inc dec and jnz commands

I'm not going to give the full answer, but the key here is that you have to define a mov routine yourself. Assuming dec X where X holds 0 produces a negative (or very large) number, that can be done as:

MOV_AD:     ; copy value in A to D, using E as scratch space
    inc A   ; must be non-zero for jnz to work below
    inc D
    inc E
    dec A
    jnz COPYLOOP
    dec D   ; undo the first inc A in D

            ; E now contains the initial value of A + 1
MOVBACK:    ; move value in E back to A
    inc A
    dec E
    jnz MOVBACK
    dec A   ; undo the first inc A

WIPE_E:     ; wipe the scratch space
    dec E
    jnz WIPE_E

Once you have the appropriate mov routines, you can implement addition as repeated increment and multiplication as repeated addition. In both, you'll need the inc trick to get jnz to work, and in the multiplication routine, you'll need to end with a subtraction.

Breaking this down step by step:


C = A * B

Is equivalent to:

C = 0
while A != 0:
   dec A
   C += B

Is equivalent to:

C = 0
while A != 0:
   dec A
   # Note: Following block of code changes B but sets it back to
   #       original value when done
   Z = 0
   while B != 0:
       dec B
       inc Z
       inc C
   B = Z

Is equivalent to:

C = 0
Z = 0
while A != 0:
   dec A
   # Note: Following block of code changes B but sets it back to
   #       original value when done
   while B != 0:
       dec B
       inc Z
       inc C
   while Z != 0:
       dec Z
       inc B

Now we just need to figure out how to translate this construct:

while LOOP_VAR != 0:
    dec LOOP_VAR
    ... some code here which does not use LOOP_VAR ...

That can be translated to:

    # Next 4 lines do "if LOOP_VAR == 0: goto loop_end"
    inc LOOP_VAR
    dec LOOP_VAR  # To set flags
    jnz loop_again
    goto loop_end
    ... some code here which does not use LOOP_VAR ...
    dec LOOP_VAR
    jnz loop_again

And of course, we need to translate that unconditional goto into a conditional one. Fortunately we have lots of variables that are known to be zero, so we can test if one of them is zero:

    # Unconditional jump to "loop_end".  Note that Q is always zero.
    inc Q
    dec Q
    jnz loop_end

So, putting that all together:

    # Next 3 lines do "if A != 0: goto outer_loop_again"
    inc A
    dec A  # To set flags
    jnz outer_loop_again

    # Unconditional jump to "outer_loop_end".  Note that Q is always zero.
    inc Q
    dec Q
    jnz outer_loop_end


    # Next 3 lines do "if B != 0: goto addition_loop_again"
    inc B
    dec B  # To set flags
    jnz addition_loop_again

    # Unconditional jump to "addition_loop_end".  Note that Q is always zero.
    inc Q
    dec Q
    jnz addition_loop_end

    inc Z
    inc C
    dec B
    jnz addition_loop_again

    # Next 3 lines do "if Z != 0: goto move_loop_again"
    inc Z
    dec Z  # To set flags
    jnz move_loop_again

    # Unconditional jump to "move_loop_end".  Note that Q is always zero.
    inc Q
    dec Q
    jnz move_loop_end

    inc B
    dec Z
    jnz move_loop_again

    dec A
    jnz outer_loop_again

    # Finished!

Edited to add: Actually, there's a slightly simpler way. We can check if A or B are zero at the start, which simplifies it to:

    # Check if A is zero, and halt if so
    # (So that multiplying by zero gives zero)
    inc A
    dec A  # To set flags
    jnz a_non_zero
    helt  # Multiplying by zero gives zero

    # Check if B is zero, and halt if so
    # (So that multiplying by zero gives zero)
    inc B
    dec B  # To set flags
    jnz b_non_zero
    helt  # Multiplying by zero gives zero


    inc Z
    inc C
    dec B
    jnz addition_loop_again

    inc B
    dec Z
    jnz move_loop_again

    dec A
    jnz outer_loop_again

    # Finished!

The JNZ instruction can be seen as do .. while structure, an example with @user9876 code :

@_loop1:        ;   do {
                ;       do {
    INC Z       ;           z++;
    INC C       ;           c++;
    DEC B       ;           b--;
    JNZ _loop1  ;       } while (b != 0);
@_loop2:        ;       do {
    INC B       ;           b++;
    DEC Z       ;           z--;
    JNZ _loop2  ;       while (z != 0);
    DEC A       ;       a--;
    JNZ _loop1  ;   } while (a != 0);

