ImageView adjustViewBounds not working

The issue is that adjustViewBounds will not increase the size of the ImageView beyond the natural dimensions of the drawable. It will only shrink the view to maintain aspect ratio; if you provide a 500x500 image instead of a 50x50 image, this should work.

If you're interested in the spot where this behavior is implemented, see's onMeasure implementation.

One workaround is to implement a custom ImageView that changes this behavior in onMeasure.

There's a more simple way. Make your ImageView like this:


This way drawable will stretch to fit in the ImageView center by preserving the aspect ratio. We just have to calculate the right height to make it proportional so we don't have any blank space:

private void setImageBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, ImageView imageView){
    float i = ((float)imageWidth)/((float)bitmap.getWidth());
    float imageHeight = i * (bitmap.getHeight());
    imageView.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(imageWidth, (int) imageHeight));