Image not showing in Shiny app R

Just a note that may be helpful to someone else, it just happened to me: please double check if your app.R is in the root directory. I.e, app.R is on the same level as the www folder. I know it seems trivial, but if you (as I just did) put app.R into a subfolder and click Run App, the app can still run, just without the pictures.

After coming back to this problem, I found that the solution is to simply format the Shiny code properly, by naming the R file app.R, and clicking Run App as opposed to selecting all of the code and running within the console.

Not sure how or why this makes a difference, but the numerous Shiny applications I have worked on since have all been resolved when doing this.

I was having the same problem. To solve this, just create a folder named 'www' in the same folder as your app.R script and put the images within that folder.

I found the solution to this problem in the tutorial video in this page: Shiny Tutorial Video - Adding Static Content Watch from 1h45min00sec.



