Image interpolation from random pixels

The regular interp2 will not work here, since your points are not located at regular intervals (Not sitting on a grid). You can either try TriScatteredInterp or download inpaint_nans from the file exchange.

Here is the solution in your case with TriScatteredInterp:

enter image description here

function solveStackOverflowProblem()
    im = imread('');
    im = im(:,:,2);
    [i,j] = find(im);
    y = j; x = i;
    indexes = sub2ind(size(im),i,j);
    interpolator = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,double(im(indexes)));

    [Y,X] = meshgrid( 1:size(im,2),1:size(im,1));
    reconstructedImage = interpolator(X,Y);


Your best solution is to use gridfit. Its designed to improve on all the native Matlab functions like TriScatteredInterp and griddata.

Here is a solution based on using Radial Basis Functions ( in this case a Gaussian ) to build interpolations for randomly spaced points with varying intensities.

Essentially this drops a Gaussian on each point, weights it by the point intensity and sums the result.

The sharpness of the interpolation function is controllable via the standard deviation of the chosen Gaussian function.

The points:

Mathematica graphics

The interpolation:

Mathematica graphics

Viewed in 3D: Mathematica graphics

With a smaller standard deviation: Mathematica graphics

The code:

pts = Table[{{RandomReal[{0, 200}], RandomReal[{0, 200}]}, 
   RandomReal[]}, {20}]

dists = Function[points, 
  Plus @@ ((PDF[
          MultinormalDistribution[#, 200 IdentityMatrix[2]], {x, 
           y}] & /@ points[[All, 1]] ) points[[All, 2]])/Length@points]

DensityPlot[dists[pts], {x, 0, 200}, {y, 0, 200}, PlotPoints -> 100]