Image grid in reStructuredText / Sphinx

You can specify the width option for each of your images (see the reStructuredText image directive documentation) to be approximately one third or less of the width of the page.

Try, for example

.. image:: _images/report_title.png
   :width: 30%
.. image:: _images/report_slide1.png
   :width: 30%
.. image:: _images/report_slide2.png
   :width: 30%

The lengths allowed in the width (and height) options are discussed here (they essentially correspond to the length units in CSS documents).

The alternate answer is to use directives as aliases to the image.

.. |logo| image:: ../iamges/wiki_logo_openalea.png
   :width: 20pt
   :height: 20pt

Then use the alias inside a table:

 | |logo|  +  |logo2|  +

For the aliasing, I had better luck with:

.. |logo1| image:: logo1.png    
   :scale: 100%
   :align: middle
.. |logo2| image:: logo2.png
   :scale: 50%
   :align: top

| |logo1| | |logo2| |