Illustrate music beats

Dyalog APL, 14 bytes



33⍴6 33 repetitions of 6

? random integer in range [1,n] for each of the 33 6s

'='⍴¨⍨ equality symbol repeated each of those number of times

convert list of lists to table of rows

transpose rows into columns, columns into rows

flip upside down

Example runs

Input is indented six spaces:

=          ==        =      ==   
= =    =   ==      ====     ==   
= = = ===  ==  === ==== =  ===  =
= = ===== ==== === ==== = ====  =
=== ============== ==== ====== ==
         =  =  =    =    =       
  =      =  =  ==  == == =  =    
 === == ==  =  === =======  =    
==== == ==  ====== ==========   =
==== ============= ========== = =
             =    =   =  =       
         =   =    =   = == =     
=      = =   =    ==  = ==== === 
= = =  = =   =    ==  = ==== ====
=====  = == ==  ============ ====

Pyth, 13 bytes

And I outgolfed Jelly.*hO6\=33

Try it online!*hO6\=33
    m      33  for 33 times:
       O6          yield a random number in [0,1,2,3,4,5].
      h            add one.
     *   \=        repeat "=" that number of times.
  .t           transpose, filling with whitespace
 _             reverse
j              join by newlines.

JavaScript (ES6), 116 bytes

(a=Array(33).fill``.map(_=>[,,,,,,].fill` `.fill('=',Math.random()*6)))[0].map((x,i)=>>x[i]).join``).join`

Snippet preview

Check it out in the animated snippet below:

F = () => (a=Array(33).fill``.map(_=>[,,,,,,].fill` `.fill('=',Math.random()*6)))[0].map((x,i)=>>x[i]).join``).join`

var interval;
G = () => output.innerHTML = F().split('\n').map((r, i) => `<span id="row-${6-i}">${r}</span>`).join('\n');
A = () => {
  if (auto.checked) {
    speed.disabled = false;
    interval = setInterval(G, speed.value);
  } else {
    speed.disabled = true;
S = () => {
  if (stylized.checked) {
  } else {

generate.onclick = G;
auto.onchange = speed.onchange = A;
stylized.onchange = S;

#output {
  background: #000;
  color: #9fff8a;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 1em;
  line-height: 1;

#output.stylized {
  line-height: 0.25;
  font-size: 2em;
  margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
  padding: 0.5em;

.stylized #row-1 { color: #9fff8a; }
.stylized #row-2 { color: #c5ff8a; }
.stylized #row-3 { color: #e0ff8a; }
.stylized #row-4 { color: #ffe88a; }
.stylized #row-5 { color: #ffc28a; }
.stylized #row-6 { color: #ff8a8a; }
<button id="generate">Generate</button>
<label>Auto: <input id="auto" type="checkbox" checked/></label>
<label>Speed: <select id="speed">
  <option value="25">25</option>
  <option value="50">50</option>
  <option value="100" selected>100</option>
  <option value="200">200</option>
  <option value="400">400</option>
  <option value="600">600</option>
  <option value="800">800</option>
  <option value="1000">1000</option>
<label>Stylized: <input id="stylized" type="checkbox" checked/></label>
<pre id="output"></pre>