ignoring mysql fulltext stopwords in query

How to disable fulltext stopwords in MySQL:

In my.ini text file (MySQL) :

ft_stopword_file = ""   or link an empty file "empty_stopwords.txt"
ft_min_word_len = 2 

// set your minimum length, but be aware that shorter words (3,2) will increase the query time dramatically, especially if the fulltext indexed column fields are large.

Save the file, restart the server.

The next step should be to repair the indexes with this query:


However, this will not work if you table is using InnoDB storage engine. You will have to change it to MyISAM :


So, once again:

1. Edit my.ini file and save
2. Restart your server (this cannot be done dynamically)
3. Change the table engine (if needed)  ALTER TABLE tbl_name ENGINE = MyISAM;
4. Perform repair                       REPAIR TABLE tbl_name QUICK.

Be aware that InnoDB and MyISAM have their speed differences. One read faster, other writes faster ( read more about that on the internet )

You can verify the keywords by comparing all stopwords. Here is the list of stopwords I've found out a solution to disable stopwords from fulltext. You just need to locate .cnf file and add this,

ft_stopword_file = ""

restart mysql engine and rebuild indexes;

Hope this work