Ignoring directory when doing a SVN commit in Eclipse

You need to set the svn:ignore property.

From within Eclipse this is best achieved by right clicking on the bin directory (in Package Explorer/Navigator). Then select Team -> Add to svn:ignore and in the subsequent dialog select "Resource(s) by name".

When you next commit the project the newly set svn:ignore properties will be committed too and the bin directory (and contents) will be permanently excluded.


  1. Turn off automatic build and clean the project.
  2. If the directory is already committed, do Team -> revert, delete it (deleting in Eclipse will do an svn delete) and then commit this change.
  3. Now recreate the directory (running your build may do this)
  4. Then on the directory select Team -> Add to svn:ignore and in the subsequent dialog select "Resource(s) by name".


