Ignore R.java files in Find results

This pattern excludes R.java files and other intermediates such as layout files in exploded-aar and AndroidManifest.xml copies in filtered_manifests folders.

  • ignores R.java files
  • ignores all *.java files generated by Android Annotations (i.e. *_.java files)
  • includes strings.xml, dimens.xml, styles.xml, attrs.xml, colors.xml files
  • includes all xml files in layout/* path


Combined from:




Android Studio (like its progenitor IntelliJ) allows you to define a custom scope to help you exclude intermediates files when searching.


Here are the steps I use to set this up:

  1. Bring up Find in Path dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F on my machine).
  2. In the Scope area, select the Custom radio button. Then tap the "..." button on the right side of the dropdown. This brings up the Scopes dialog.
  3. Click the "+" button on the left side of the Scopes dialog, which will bring up the Add New Scope dialog. Name it "ExcludeIntermediates".
  4. In the Pattern field, paste in the following pattern and click OK:


This pattern excludes R.java files and other intermediates such as layout files in exploded-aar and AndroidManifest.xml copies in filtered_manifests folders.