If $W_t$ is a Wiener process, what is $ \operatorname{Var}(W_t+W_s)$?

I was staring at this for a while before realizing your solutions are equivalent. For example, if $s < t$, then $$ \begin{aligned} t + s + 2 \min(s, t) &= \max(s, t) + \min(s, t) + 2 \min(s, t) \\ &= \max(s, t) + 3 \min(s, t). \end{aligned} $$

Your solution is correct - and so is theirs. This is because $$t+s+2\mathrm{min}(s,t) = \mathrm{max}(s,t) + 3\mathrm{min}(s,t).$$

What I'm wondering about is how they got to that form.

Nothing is wrong -- since $t+s = \max(s,t) + \min(s,t)$ your solution equals the book's.

It may simplify the calculation to assume WLOG that $t<s$ -- then $W_t+W_s=2W_t+(W_s-W_t)$, and $W_t$ and $W_s-W_t$ are independent.