I want to set custom price programmatically to the product Magento 2

Try the following code to update price

    foreach ($products_array as $value) {
        $params['qty'] = 1;//product quantity
        $_product = $this->productRepository->getById($value);

You can achieve this with the observer.

First create events.xml file in folder ‘test/Hello/etc/frontend’ and use event ‘checkout_cart_product_add_after’.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Event/etc/events.xsd">
    <event name="checkout_cart_product_add_after">
        <observer name="customprice" instance="test\Hello\Observer\CustomPrice" />

Now create CustomPrice.php file in Observer folder.

         * test Hello CustomPrice Observer
         * @category    test
         * @package     test_Hello
         * @author      test 
        namespace test\Hello\Observer;

        use Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface;
        use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface;

        class CustomPrice implements ObserverInterface
            public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer) {

      $reqeustParams = $this->_request->getParams();
        $customproducttype = $reqeustParams['custom_product_type'];
if($customproducttype == "custom_product_type"){
                $item = $observer->getEvent()->getData('quote_item');         
                $item = ( $item->getParentItem() ? $item->getParentItem() : $item );
                $price = 100; //set your price here


You can pass some custom parameter while adding the product to the cart.

$params['qty'] = 1;//product quantity
$params['custom_product_type'] = "test" ;//product price   
$_product = $this->productRepository->getById($value);