I have high io stat. High writes. But what files are being written?

Well, you could try the following commands which worked for me in RHEL6:

1) Whatever device you see in "iostat" output performing more I/O, use it with fuser command as follows:

fuser -uvm device

2) You will get a list of processes with the user name causing more I/O. Select those PIDS and use it in the lsof command as follows:

lsof -p PID | more

3) You will get a list of files/directories along with the user performing maximum I/O.

It seems there is no tools to find out I/O throughput per file other than within process using the file. But there are ways to find out process I/O throughput.

iotop - It is a top/iftop like utility that show process I/O throughput.

After pin pointing which process is having heavy I/O, use following to find out what file is being used

lsof -c <process name>

That should narrow down the scope and help pin point the source.

You can use inotifywait from inotify-tools to find out exactly which file is being written to. This won't tell you how much data is being written, but it will at least tell you what files are being written to as it happens.

As an example, this command will print the file name as soon as any are created, modified, or deleted in /tmp:

$ sudo inotifywait -e modify -e attrib -e move -e create -e delete -m -r /tmp
Setting up watches.  Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!
Watches established.
/tmp/ CREATE test
/tmp/ MODIFY test

Unfortunately you will need to guess which directory contains the files being written to. This fails if you try to use it on the root directory, though apparently that can be overridden:

$ sudo inotifywait -e modify -e attrib -e move -e create -e delete -m -r /
Setting up watches.  Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!
Failed to watch /; upper limit on inotify watches reached!
Please increase the amount of inotify watches allowed per user via `/proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches'.


