Hyperlink a Record in lightning:datatable

We can take help of the type: url and typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName: 'linkLabel' }} to show some useful link label of the column;

Working with Column Data

Here we have two options

  1. type possible values are(action, ..., url);
  2. typeAttributes value depends on the type option value like for url we have (label, target);

Here is the example of the same: lightning:datatable

Below is the example of the options:

Type and type attributes usage

And we can also do this type adjustment just before assigning the columns settings to the attribute in the helper(if not want to do in the Apex):

  getLightningTableData: function (component) {
    var recLimit = component.get('v.recLimit');
    var sColumn = component.get('v.fields');
    var sObject = component.get('v.object');
    var action = component.get('c.getsObjectRecords');
      ObjectName: sObject,
      fieldstoget: sColumn,
      recLimit: recLimit
    action.setCallback(this, function (response) {
      var state = response.getState();
      if (state === 'SUCCESS') {
        var rtnValue = response.getReturnValue();

        rtnValue.tableColumn.forEach(function (column) {
          switch (column.fieldName) {
            case 'Show_Record__c':
              column.type = 'url';
              column['typeAttributes'] = { label: { fieldName: 'Name' } };


        component.set('v.mycolumn', rtnValue.tableColumn);
        component.set('v.mydata', rtnValue.tableRecord);
  /* more methods */