HTML5 Audio stop function

I was having same issue. A stop should stop the stream and onplay go to live if it is a radio. All solutions I saw had a disadvantage:

  • player.currentTime = 0 keeps downloading the stream.
  • player.src = '' raise error event

My solution:

var player = document.getElementById('radio');
player.src = player.src;

And the HTML

<audio src="http://radio-stream" id="radio" class="hidden" preload="none"></audio>

Instead of stop() you could try with:

sound.currentTime = 0;

This should have the desired effect.

Here is my way of doing stop() method:

Somewhere in code:

audioCh1: document.createElement("audio");

and then in stop():

this.audioCh1.src = 'data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRiQAAABXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEAVFYAAFRWAAABAAgAZGF0YQAAAAA=';

In this way we don`t produce additional request, the old one is cancelled and our audio element is in clean state (tested in Chrome and FF) :>

first you have to set an id for your audio element

in your js :

var ply = document.getElementById('player');

var oldSrc = ply.src;// just to remember the old source

ply.src = "";// to stop the player you have to replace the source with nothing