HTML SVG - Is it possible to import a <svg> into Adobe Illustrator to modify it?

Create a .html document

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" >
	<head profile="">
		<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="595.28px" height="841.89px" viewBox="0 0 595.28 841.89" enable-background="new 0 0 595.28 841.89" xml:space="preserve">
			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 225 321)" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="12">This a TEST!</text>
			<path fill="none" d="M177,246c0,92.859,77.824,168,174,168"/>
			<path fill="none" d="M357,246c0,161.398-105.555,292-236,292"/>
			<path fill="none" d="M288,414c0,113.311-23.252,205-51.987,205"/>
			<rect x="93" y="383" fill="none" width="364" height="147"/>
				<rect x="167" y="272" fill="none" width="216" height="244.5"/>
			<rect x="476" y="428" fill="none" width="216" height="244.5"/>
			<rect x="121" y="230" fill="none" width="403" height="231"/>
			<rect x="179" y="158" fill="none" width="362" height="454.25"/>
			<rect x="73" y="230" fill="none" width="294" height="184"/>
			<rect x="371" y="516.5" fill="none" width="12" height="13.5"/>
			<rect x="167" y="143" fill="none" width="221" height="387"/>

Open this in the Browser. Open print and press "save as .pdf"

Now you can open this in Illustrator.


If it's an image from the web, you can right-click 'inspect' and then click and copy [cntrl-c] in windows on the first <svg> tag. Then you should be able to directly copy the enitre svg data as an image into illustrator.

If the svg data is not embedded in the web page, you may first need to open up it's link into a new tab or get it from the 'Elements' tab in DevTools.

Paste it into a text file named whatever.svg and open that file in Illustrator.

Copy the SVG code to the clipboard and paste it into your Illustrator document.

Tested on Illustrator 25.



