HTML load one script after another script completes execution

await doesn't block the execution of the entire script. awaits are just hiding promise(s) into a synchronous-looking construction. When await is met in a function marked as async, the expression following await, often a function call, is executed, but the return value is not waited inside the async function. Instead, the function marked with async is paused, and the execution continues from the point the async function was called, and the rest of the script is executed (and perhaps also other scripts), until the promise is fullfilled, Then the script execution resumes to the async function, and continues from the next statement after the statement where await operator originally paused the async function.

You can use a promise like this:

In script1:

const headerHtml = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(data => {
         document.getElementById("header").innerHTML = data;

In script2:

headerHtml.then(() => {
    // Now header.html is fully loaded
    // Do what you need to do with the new elements

This will work even when fetch would had been completely resolved before then handler is set in script2 (or anywhere in general), because "If the promise has already been fullfilled or rejected when a corresponding handler is attached, the handler will be called"MDN.