HTML.fromHtml adds space at end of text?

Solution was found:

fromHtml returns the type Spanned. So I assigned what was being returned to a variable, converted it to a string and then used the .trim() method on it.

It removed all white space at the end.

Yes what you thought about is really correct. It adds space to the bottom. But before that let me explain how this works.

You have to look at HTML class to see how it works.

To be simple, this is how it works: whenever your Html class looks at a <p> tag, what it does is simply append two "\n" chars to the end.

In this case the empty space you see at the bottom is actually because of the two \n appended to the end of the paragaraph.

And I have added the actual method of the Html class which is responsible for this action,

    private static void handleP(SpannableStringBuilder text) {
    int len = text.length();

    if (len >= 1 && text.charAt(len - 1) == '\n') {
        if (len >= 2 && text.charAt(len - 2) == '\n') {

    if (len != 0) {



If you want to override this action, you have to override the Html class itself which is a bit tricky and can't be completed here.


here is the link to the Html class,

Html class

If you are trying to use it in an object or trying to fit it in a specific place, try using <a> tag instead of a <p>, <p> adds returns carriages at the end, a writes none, but you have to remember to write the \n yourself with <b>, and you get to keep the style


