HQL - Delete with JOIN error

Why do you need to use in (select on the same table that you are deleting from? Can't you just put the condition in the where clause?

DELETE FROM FinalGradeResult  e WHERE e.student.id = :studentId " + " AND e.classDiscipline.clazz.id = :clazzId )",
    new HqlParameter("studentId", student.getId()), new HqlParameter("clazzId", from.getId()));

Also, I'm not sure what you are referring to with the parameter classDiscipline.clazz.id? Is classDiscipline some other entity with a field named clazz that is yet another entity? That's what the query seems to be saying.

The problem with your original query is that you are not allowed you have inner selects anywhere but in select and where clauses. Because HQL operates in terms of entities and not tables or columns, selecting from subsets of tables doesn't make sense. See here:

Note that HQL subqueries can occur only in the select or where clauses.

We had a similar issue in our project and I struggled for awhile to find a single query solution, but I'm afraid with MySQL it isn't possible due to HQL's language design.

The best I came up with was to first fetch the ids as a list, and then pass that list as a list parameter to your update. For you it might be something like:

Query idQuery = createQuery("select id from FinalGradeResult gr where gr.student.id = :studentId AND gr.classDiscipline IN (SELECT cd from ClassDiscipline cd where cd.clazz.id = :clazzId"));
//add parameters
List<Number> ids = query.list();
Query entityQuery = createQuery("delete from FinalGradeResult where id in (:ids)");
entityQuery.setParameterList("ids", ids);
