How would I install Picasa 3.9?

To install Picasa 3.9

1) Install wine and winetricks:
sudo apt-get install wine winetricks

2) Download Picasa 3.9 from google:
cd ~/ && wget

3) Install Picasa with wine:

wine ~/picasa39-setup.exe  

To fix login

Now you have Picasa 3.9 installed but there is a problem if you want to login to Google to upload some pictures, so to fix it do this:

4) Install Internet Explorer 6:
env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.tmp winetricks ie6

You will have to click "Next" and "Accept" in a few windows:

enter image description here

5) Copy the installation into wine folder:
cp -r ~/.tmp/* ~/.wine/

6) Done! Now just open Picasa as any other program:

Open Dash and search for Picasa. Click at the top right corner to login:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I) With this method each user will have to run the steps 2 to 5 to get Picasa fully working into his/her user folder. Or ask for he/she to run this once at terminal:

 cd ~/ && wget && wine ~/picasa39-setup.exe && env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.tmp winetricks ie6 && cp -r ~/.tmp/* ~/.wine/    

II) If you are feeling lazy, just paste this at terminal and all the steps above will be done for you (as a user specific installation):

 sudo apt-get install wine winetricks && cd ~/ && wget && wine ~/picasa39-setup.exe && env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.tmp winetricks ie6 && cp -r ~/.tmp/* ~/.wine/  

III) After the step 5, the file "picasa39-setup.exe" can be deleted:
rm ~/picasa39-setup.exe

And also the folder "~/.tmp":
rm ~/.tmp

IV) To uninstall everything:

sudo apt-get remove --purge wine ; sudo apt-get remove --purge winetricks ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo rm /usr/share/applications/Picasa3.desktop ; rm ~/picasa39-setup.exe ; rm -r ~/.tmp ; rm -r ~/.wine ; rm -r ~/.local/share/applications/wine* ; sed -i '/wine/d' ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache

If you use Picasa 3.9, you will not be able to connect to your Google account. According to Google employee Brian Rose, the authentication mechanism was changed to OAuth using an implementation that is currently not compatible with Wine.

There is an entry in Wine's AppDB for Picasa 3.9, and I submitted a bug report. As a workaround, install Internet Explorer 6 using Winetricks. You have to use the upstream Winetricks script, since the one packaged in Ubuntu has a broken Internet Explorer link.

chmod +x winetricks
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine ./winetricks ie6

PlayOnLinux supports Picasa 3.9:


PlayOnLinux is a graphical front-end for the Wine software compatibility layer which allows Linux users to install Windows-based video games, as well as many other applications such as Apple iTunes, Safari, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Internet Explorer.


wget -q "" -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install playonlinux

Search and do what the wizard says:

League of Legends under Ubuntu - EuroBytes Image from: League of Legends under Ubuntu - EuroBytes.


  • Google Picasa 3.9 - Supported software - PlayOnLinux - Run your Windows applications on Linux easily!