How will React 0.14's Stateless Components offer performance improvements without shouldComponentUpdate?

Since your component is just a pure function of its parameters, it would be straightforward to cache it. This is because of the well known property of pure functions, for same input they will always return same output. Since they only depend on their parameters alone, not some internal or external state. Unless you explicitly referred some external variables within that function that might be interpreted as a state change.

However, caching would not be possible if your function component reads some external variables to compose the return value, so that, those external variables might change over time, making cached value obsolete. This would be a violation of being a pure function anyways and they wont be pure anymore.

On React v0.14 Release Candidate page, Ben Alpert states:

This pattern is designed to encourage the creation of these simple components that should comprise large portions of your apps. In the future, we’ll also be able to make performance optimizations specific to these components by avoiding unnecessary checks and memory allocations.

I am pretty sure that he meant cacheability of pure functional components.

Here is a very straight forward cache implementation for demonstration purposes:

let componentA = (props) => {
  return <p>{ props.text }</p>;

let cache = {};
let cachedA = (props) => {
  let key = JSON.stringify(props); // a fast hash function can be used as well
  if( key in cache ) {
    return cache[key];
  }else {
    cache[key] = componentA(props);
    return cache[key];

And there are other good properties of pure functional components that I can think of at the moment:

  • unit test friendly
  • more lightweight than class based components
  • highly reusable since they are just functions