How to write the L-shaped symbol in latex?

The symbol is \rightangle, and is in unicode-math or the legacy packages stix, stix2, mathdesign, fdsymbol, and a few others.

It could be built from \rules.


\(\displaystyle \Lcorner\)
\(\textstyle \Lcorner\)
\(\scriptstyle \Lcorner\)
\(\scriptscriptstyle \Lcorner\)

\(\displaystyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

\(\textstyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

\(\scriptstyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

\(\scriptscriptstyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

Picture mode to the rescue. The symbol correctly changes size in the various math styles as well as in different font sizes.





\(\displaystyle \Lcorner\)
\(\textstyle \Lcorner\)
\(\scriptstyle \Lcorner\)
\(\scriptscriptstyle \Lcorner\)

\(\displaystyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

\(\textstyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

\(\scriptstyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

\(\scriptscriptstyle \Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner F(E), y ) = DF(x)[\Tan^k( \mathscr{H}^k \Lcorner E, x)]\)

{\Large $A\Lcorner B$} {\footnotesize $A\Lcorner B$}

enter image description here

I reused the code by Vincent.

