How to write parquet file from pandas dataframe in S3 in python

First ensure that you have pyarrow or fastparquet installed with pandas.

Then install boto3 and aws cli. Use aws cli to set up the config and credentials files, located at .aws folder.

Here is a simple script using pyarrow, and boto3 to create a temporary parquet file and then send to AWS S3.

Sample code excluding imports:

def main():
    data = {0: {"data1": "value1"}}
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
        df, "bucket", "folder/test/file.parquet", ".tmp/file.parquet")

def write_pandas_parquet_to_s3(df, bucketName, keyName, fileName):
    # dummy dataframe
    table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
    pq.write_table(table, fileName)

    # upload to s3
    s3 = boto3.client("s3")
    BucketName = bucketName
    with open(fileName) as f:
       object_data =
       s3.put_object(Body=object_data, Bucket=BucketName, Key=keyName)

For python 3.6+, AWS has a library called aws-data-wrangler that helps with the integration between Pandas/S3/Parquet

to install do;

pip install awswrangler

if you want to write your pandas dataframe as a parquet file to S3 do;

import awswrangler as wr

the below function gets parquet output in a buffer and then write buffer.values() to S3 without any need to save parquet locally

Also, since you're creating an s3 client you can create credentials using aws s3 keys that can be either stored locally, in an airflow connection or aws secrets manager

def dataframe_to_s3(s3_client, input_datafame, bucket_name, filepath, format):

        if format == 'parquet':
            out_buffer = BytesIO()
            input_datafame.to_parquet(out_buffer, index=False)

        elif format == 'csv':
            out_buffer = StringIO()
            input_datafame.to_parquet(out_buffer, index=False)

        s3_client.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=filepath, Body=out_buffer.getvalue())

S3_client is nothing but a boto3 client object.Hope this helps!


For your reference, I have the following code works.

s3_url = 's3://bucket/folder/bucket.parquet.gzip'
df.to_parquet(s3_url, compression='gzip')

In order to use to_parquet, you need pyarrow or fastparquet to be installed. Also, make sure you have correct information in your config and credentials files, located at .aws folder.

Edit: Additionally, s3fs is needed. see