How to write Junit test for mapstruct abstract mapper injected via Spring

Addition to @TheBakker's answer: as a lighter alternative to @SpringBootTest you can use @ContextConfiguration, if you do not require the whole SpringBoot stack. His example would look like this:

@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) // JUnit 5
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {
public class ConfigurationMapperTest {

With JUnit 4 use annotation RunWith instead of ExtendWith:

@RunWith(SpringRunner.class)       // JUnit 4

In response to @Richard Lewan comment here is how I declared my test class for the abstract class ConfigurationMapper using 2 subMappers

@SpringBootTest(classes = {ConfigurationMapperImpl.class, SubMapper1Impl.class, SubMapper2Impl.class})
public class ConfigurationMapperTest {

You use the Impl generated classes in the SpringBootTest annotation and then inject the class you want to test:

private ConfigurationMapper configurationMapper;

Let me know if you need more info, but from there it's straightforward. I didn't mock the subMapper, as it was better for me to test all the mapping process at once.