How to wrap every select of date_select with a div in Rails?

Method 1 (Difficult)

Override the date_select code to handle this special instance for you:

Method 2 (Easy)

Use jQuery:

// Find all select boxes that have an ID attribute containing "birthday"
// and wrap a div tag around them with a certain class
$('select[id*="birthday"]').wrapAll('<div class="select_wrapper">');

I am using a solution involving the parameter :date_separator. Something along the lines of this:

  = f.date_select :birthday, :start_year => - 120, :end_year =>, :date_separator => '</div><div class="select-wrapper">'

This is not the prettiest, but it worked well for me ...

<div class="small-4 columns"><%= f.date_select :release_date, {date_separator: "</div><div class='small-4 columns'>"} %></div>

Where <div class="small-4 columns"></div> was what I wanted everything to be wrapped in. Basically just made sure that the date_separator was the closing of my tag and the opening of my next one, and made sure that the opening of my first tag was before the date_select and the closing of my last tag was after the date_select.