How to view the disassembly in Code::Blocks?

The kind of disassembly that the author shows in the article is called inter-leaved disassembly ( C and disassembly interleaved ) which a few IDEs like Visual Studio support. Code Blocks does not support. But Code Blocks has a separate disassembly window like this

Diassembly Window

Select a source line. Right Click. Say Run to Cursor. Now Debug->Debugging Windows->Disassembly. Instead of Run to cursor you can also set break points and then do this. But somehow it wasn't going well with mine, so I am suggesting Run to Cursor method.

Hope it helps.

This is a new answer to an old post. The other answer is completely on topic, but makes one outdated statement: "Code Blocks does not support_",... inter-leaved disassembly ( C and disassembly interleaved ).

This is no longer true. Newer versions of Code::Blocks have updated that feature.

Using Code::Blocks version 17.12 with gcc (tdm-1) version 5.1.0 and the OP code

And following the instructions:

  • In the Code::Blocks editor, right-click on the line of interest in the source file, and from the resulting context menu select Run to cursor. For this illustration the closing bracket } for the main function was right clicked.

  • Then, from title bar menu select Debug->Debugging Windows->Disassembly. This results in a popup showing assembly interleaved with source code:

  • This results in the following image clearly showing that the C source and assembly code are interleaved:

enter image description here