How to view files in bare repositories?

If you want more detailed contents of the templates folder, you can use ls-tree with the tree's ID. For example:

git ls-tree 53a58d

Which will show you the full tree entries. From there, you can git cat-file blob or git show them.

For example:

% git ls-tree HEAD
040000 tree 62711729ee3bd52fd75fa4fdd0944c9890f6a249    .nuget
100644 blob b457310ab0fbab34746e9ded04b378241f9b9fe3    GitClient.sln
040000 tree 197b7190b843ef07e78e6589c6edd84bdcdd4082    packages

If I want to look at the subtree packages:

% git ls-tree 197b719
100644 blob df885643f0a23e0307df2c704f1e21b500185344    repositories.config

And if I want to look at the contents of packages/repositories.config at HEAD:

% git cat-file blob df88564
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

git show ${branch}:templates/base.html