How to verify multiple method calls with Moq

You can achieve this by recording what happens on each call to Notify. Then you can compare the recording to what's expected:

public void TestMoqInvocations()
    var notifierMock = new Mock<INotifier>();

    var svc = new NotificationService(new List<INotifier>{ notifierMock.Object });    

    var invocations = new List<NotifyParams>();

        .Setup(f => f.Notify(It.IsAny<User>(), It.IsAny<User>()))
        .Callback<string, string>((user, friend) => invocations.Add(new NotifyParams{user = user, friend = friend}));

    Assert.AreEqual(1, invocations[0].user.UserId);
    Assert.AreEqual(1, invocations[1].user.UserId);
    Assert.AreEqual(2, invocations[1].user.UserId);

public struct NotifyParams { 
    public User user {get;set;}
    public User friend { get; set; }