How to use WCF services in .netstandard with Xamarin.Forms project?

At the moment Xamarin apps aren't compatible with the Task-based asynchronous WCF proxy methods that the WCF Web Service Reference connected service provider generates for .NET Standard projects ( Bug 51959).

One way to generate an older, compatible style of WCF proxy methods is to run SvcUtil.exe with the /async and /tcv:Version35 switches in a Developer Command Prompt. That will generate synchronous proxy methods, Begin/End style Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) callback proxy methods, and event-based proxy methods, all of which are compatible with Xamarin apps.

(Note: If you leave out the /async switch, SvcUtil.exe will generate the newer, incompatible Task-based proxy methods.)

Generate an older compatible style of WCF proxy methods via checked "Generate Synchronous Operations" checkbox on Configure WCF Web Service Reference screen:

Generate Synchronous Operations

Consume the web service:

KimlikServiceReference.KPSPublicSoapClient soapClient = new KimlikServiceReference.KPSPublicSoapClient(KimlikServiceReference.KPSPublicSoapClient.EndpointConfiguration.KPSPublicSoap);
//KimlikServiceReference.TCKimlikNoDogrulaResponse response = soapClient.TCKimlikNoDogrulaAsync(TCKimlikNo, Ad, Soyad, DogumYili).Result;
bool result = soapClient.TCKimlikNoDogrula(TCKimlikNo, Ad, Soyad, DogumYili);