How to use the total page count in a conditional expression?

I have the same problem regarding page number in documents, and found several solutions.

By borrowing some code from Ulrike Fisher’s answer to this question I was able to defining this macro:



\author{Test Testson}

\lipsum[1-60] %More than one page
%\lipsum[1]   % One page

Here is the result I have used until today. I patch \maketitle on the fly using \patchcmd from etoolbox, a package I load for other purposes in the ‘real’ document:


%% No page number  if the document ai a onepager
  \ifnum\value{page} > \@ne
%% Change `plain` to `title` if you are using a `memoir` class

\author{Test Testson}

\lipsum[1-60] % More than one page
%\lipsum[1]   % One page

As egreg emphasises in the comment below (and in a comment to the original answer), the solution is not hundred per cent fool proof (f.ex. it does not work under scrartcl). I have now corrected the errors jfbu has pinpointed.

Today I was even able to find two additional solutions that does not need patching etc.:

Based on the discussion in this question and this answer to another question, I have tinkered together a working solution not requiring any additional packages, and working under KOMAscript and the standard classes. It survives \pagenumbering{Roman}. As egreg has pointed out, it is still not fool proof, but I have tried postponing the tests by loading the atendvi- and atveryend-packages from the oberdiek-bundle and using commands from those packages. Then the tests fail. So for the MWEs below, we have to trust \AtEndDocument.

Here are the MWEs:

\makeatletter % You may remove this line if you change\@ne to 1
\AtEndDocument{\ifnum\value{page]=\@ne\thispagestyle{empty}{}\fi} % survives `\pagenumbering{Roman}`
\makeatother % You may remove this line if you change\@ne to 1
\author{Test Testson}

\lipsum[1-6] % Turn on/off this line...

If you need Roman numbering, you may also load zref-totpagesand change the test to:


Based on this answer, I have found a solution using scrartcl, scrpage2 and zref-totpages, which also survives \pagenumbering{Roman}. You may at additional code to the falseand true parts of the test:

% You may use \@ne instead of 1 if you enclose the line in a `\makeatletter\makeatother`
\cfoot[\ifnum\ztotpages=1 \else\pagemark\fi]{\pagemark}


\lipsum[1] % automatically remove page number in a document with this line
%\lipsum[1-6] % automatically keep page numbers in a document with this line

Hopefully, it is useful.

Instead of lastpage you can use totcount package.






enter image description here

This will take 2 compilation runs to settle down.