How to use php artisan migrate command of Laravel4 in Heroku?

Here is a complete example, and will solve "nothing to migrate issue" that comes in for Heroku,

heroku run php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations --app application-name

application-name is your Heroku APP name

This line will give you access to all laravel artisan commands:

heroku run php artisan

with the new official php buildpack you just run

$ heroku run bash
$ php artisan migrate

or just

$ heroku run php artisan migrate

And if you want the migration to happen every time you deploy via git then add "php artisan migrate" to to composer.json in the "post-update-cmd" section of "scripts".

It took a little digging, but I was able to use it by running this command:

heroku run /app/php/bin/php /app/www/artisan migrate

So the lesson I learned was this: prefix all remote artisan commands with heroku run /app/php/bin/php /app/www/artisan