How to use Pandas to get the count of every combination inclusive

Late answer, but you can use:

df = df.groupby(['Cust_num'], as_index=False).agg(','.join).drop(columns=['Rev']).set_index(['Item']).rename_axis("combo").rename(columns={"Cust_num": "Count"})
df['Count'] = df['Count'].str.replace(r'Cust','')

combo                   Count                 
Shirt1,Shirt2,Shorts1     1
Shirt1,Shorts1            2

I think you need to create a combination of items first.

How to get all possible combinations of a list’s elements?

I used the function from Dan H's answer.

from itertools import chain, combinations
def all_subsets(ss):
    return chain(*map(lambda x: combinations(ss, x), range(0, len(ss)+1)))

uq_items = df.Item.unique()


 ('Shirt1', 'Shirt2'),
 ('Shirt1', 'Shorts1'),
 ('Shirt2', 'Shorts1'),
 ('Shirt1', 'Shirt2', 'Shorts1')]

And use groupby each customer to get their items combination.

ls = []

for _, d in df.groupby('Cust_num', group_keys=False):
    # Get all possible subset of items
    pi = np.array(list(all_subsets(d.Item)))

    # Fliter only > 1
    ls.append(pi[[len(l) > 1 for l in pi]])

Then convert to Series and use value_counts().


(Shirt1, Shorts1)            2
(Shirt2, Shorts1)            1
(Shirt1, Shirt2, Shorts1)    1
(Shirt1, Shirt2)             1

Using pandas.DataFrame.groupby:

grouped_item = df.groupby('Cust_num')['Item']
subsets = grouped_item.apply(lambda x: set(x)).tolist()
Count = [sum(s2.issubset(s1) for s1 in subsets) for s2 in subsets]
combo = grouped_item.apply(lambda x:','.join(x))
combo = combo.reset_index()


  Cust_num                   Item  Count
0    Cust1  Shirt1,Shirt2,Shorts1      1
1    Cust2         Shirt1,Shorts1      2


