How to use Nvidia's Tensor Cores via Vulkan

Nvidia has recently added a few new extensions, one of them being VK_NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX which will allow the use of tensor cores inside Vulkan.

The capability for glslang to handle this new feature I believe was added yesterday which is why you haven't seen this until now (see here):

enter image description here

here are some examples of it being used:

#version 450 core
#extension GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics : enable
#extension GL_NV_cooperative_matrix : enable
#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16 : enable

#pragma use_variable_pointers

layout (local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) coherent buffer Block {
    float y[1024*1024];
    float x[];
} block;

void main()
    fcoopmatNV<32, gl_ScopeSubgroup, 16, 8> m = fcoopmatNV<32, gl_ScopeSubgroup, 16, 8>(0.0);

    m = m + m;
    m = m - m;
    m = -m;
    m = 2.0*m;
    m = m*2.0;

    coopMatLoadNV(m, block.x, 16, 128, false);
    coopMatStoreNV(m, block.x, 16, 128, false);

This appears to be quite analogous to how its done in CUDA, requiring explicit memory transfers to the memory where tensor cores can operate.

So to use them you need VK_NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX in vulkan and GL_NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX in glsl.


j00hi has mentioned that there is now an nvidia blog post on how to use these tensor cores.



