How to use nameof to get the fully qualified name of a property in a class in C# Attributes?

After a bit of digging I found that this issue has been discussed already upon developing this feature in here and specially in here for the comment by MgSam

As it is proposed, I can imagine something like this happening to get a fully qualified name: BindToFullyQualifiedName(nameof(Microsoft) + "." + nameof(Microsoft.Data) + "." + nameof(Microsoft.Data.Entities) + "." + nameof(Microsoft.Data.Entities.EntityObject));

The answer was

I think typeof(EntityObject).FullName is fully sufficient in your case.

Which concluded the discussion with no further comments on another way to do this.

Unfortunately this means there is no way to user nameof and get the fully qualified name directly for usage in Attributes.

Probably this is the end of it and I suppose Microsoft should change their documentation to make it more clear and precise.