How to use Media Source Extension (MSE) low-latency mode

This isn't a complete answer, as I'm just learning this myself. It seems that Chromium is using hints from the MP4 stream to determine whether low latency mode should be used.


bool ShouldUseLowDelayMode(DemuxerStream* stream) {
  return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kLowDelayVideoRenderingOnLiveStream) &&
         stream->liveness() == DemuxerStream::LIVENESS_LIVE;

And then in

// In ISO/IEC 14496-12:2005(E), 8.30.2: ".. If an MP4 file is created in
// real-time, such as used in live streaming, it is not likely that the
// fragment_duration is known in advance and this (mehd) box may be
// omitted."

// We have an unknown duration (neither any mvex fragment_duration nor moov
// duration value indicated a known duration, above.)

// TODO(wolenetz): Investigate gating liveness detection on timeline_offset
// when it's populated. See
params.liveness = DemuxerStream::LIVENESS_LIVE;

So, if you could generate a stream without durations, it will be assumed to be live and low-delay mode will be used.

There is also some discussion about exposing a mechanism in the future for triggering low latency mode without stream modifications: