How to use javascript proxy for nested objects

I published a library on GitHub that does this as well. It will also report to a callback function what modifications have taken place along with their full path.

Michal's answer is good, but it creates a new Proxy every time a nested object is accessed. Depending on your usage, that could lead to a very large memory overhead.

A slight modification on the example by Michał Perłakowski with the benefit of this approach being that the nested proxy is only created once rather than every time a value is accessed.

If the property of the proxy being accessed is an object or array, the value of the property is replaced with another proxy. The isProxy property in the getter is used to detect whether the currently accessed object is a proxy or not. You may want to change the name of isProxy to avoid naming collisions with properties of stored objects.

Note: the nested proxy is defined in the getter rather than the setter so it is only created if the data is actually used somewhere. This may or may not suit your use-case.

const handler = {
  get(target, key) {
    if (key == 'isProxy')
      return true;

    const prop = target[key];

    // return if property not found
    if (typeof prop == 'undefined')

    // set value as proxy if object
    if (!prop.isProxy && typeof prop === 'object')
      target[key] = new Proxy(prop, handler);

    return target[key];
  set(target, key, value) {
    console.log('Setting', target, `.${key} to equal`, value);

    // todo : call callback

    target[key] = value;
    return true;

const test = {
  string: "data",
  number: 231321,
  object: {
    string: "data",
    number: 32434
  array: [
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

const proxy = new Proxy(test, handler);

console.log(proxy.string); // "data"

proxy.string = "Hello";

console.log(proxy.string); // "Hello"

console.log(proxy.object); // { "string": "data", "number": 32434 }

proxy.object.string = "World";

console.log(proxy.object.string); // "World"

You can add a get trap and return a new proxy with validator as a handler:

var validator = {
  get(target, key) {
    if (typeof target[key] === 'object' && target[key] !== null) {
      return new Proxy(target[key], validator)
    } else {
      return target[key];
  set (target, key, value) {
    return true

var person = {
      firstName: "alfred",
      lastName: "john",
      inner: {
        salary: 8250,
        Proffesion: ".NET Developer"
var proxy = new Proxy(person, validator)
proxy.inner.salary = 'foo'