How to use Github Release API to make a release without source code?

You can control the contents of sorcecode archive within automatic generation using the .gitattributes file (and make it part of your repository).

Add lines like:

src export-ignore

to exclude the directory "src" from being part of the generated source package. Internally github uses "git archive" to create packages based on the tags - and "git archive" can be controlled via ".gitattributes".

Don't know whether you can avoid generating the source package completely - but this is at least a workaround to control the contents of the source code package

To create a new release and upload additional binaries, you can :

  • create the release using POST /repos/:username/:repo/releases and store the upload_url field from the response
  • upload your asset using POST $upload_url with additional parameters name and optional label (refer to this)

A quick example using bash, curl and jq (JSON parser) :



upload_url=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $token"  \
     -d '{"tag_name": "test", "name":"release-0.0.1","body":"this is a test release"}'  \
     "$repo/releases" | jq -r '.upload_url')


echo "uploading asset to release to url : $upload_url"

curl -s -H "Authorization: token $token"  \
        -H "Content-Type: application/zip" \
        --data-binary  \