How to use git with Flutter and Android Studio?

danypata tell you the one to use git.

I am assuming you have installed the git on your device.

Here is the second if you already worked on Android Project and wants to add the git in it.

Step 1: Just open the terminal in android studio.

Step 2: execute 'git init'

Step 3: git remote add origin "HTTP URL OF THE REPOSITORY"

then execute normal commands

Step 4: git add .

Step 5: git commit -m"Message"

Step 6: git push origin master

To support other new devs (and suggested by OP) I will post my comment as an answer.

The easiest way to import a new project from a git repository (or any repository) is to first clone the repo from git, svn or whatever. Then open it from Android Studio, first time you open the project, Android Studio will detect the VCS (git, mercurial, svn etc) and will ask you if you want to manage the repo using Android Studio. If you "allow" it, it will track the changes for you and it will enable a cool IDE for repo operations (commit, push, pull, etc).