How to use FutureBuilder inside SliverList

Use SliverFillRemaining

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
  body: CustomScrollView(
    slivers: <Widget>[
        child: FutureBuilder(
          future: getData(),
          builder: (context, snapshot) {
            if ( == null)
              return new Container(
                child: Center(child: new CircularProgressIndicator()),
              return Text(;

OR use SliverList

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
  body: CustomScrollView(
    slivers: <Widget>[
        delegate: SliverChildListDelegate([Container(
            child: FutureBuilder(
             future : getData(),
             builder: (C,snap){
                //do whatever you want

The children of a CustomScrollView must be slivers, you can not use a FutureBuilder.

Instead, rebuild the CustomScrollView when the future completes:

// build fixed items outside of the FutureBuilder for efficiency
final someOtherSliver = SliverToBoxAdapter(...);

return FutureBuilder<List<Data>>(
  future: getQuake(), // this is a code smell. Make sure that the future is NOT recreated when build is called. Create the future in initState instead.
  builder: (context, snapshot){
    Widget newsListSliver;
    if(snapshot.hasData) {
      newsListSliver = SliverList(delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(...))
    } else {
      newsListSliver = SliverToBoxAdapter(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),);

    return CustomScrollView(
      slivers: <Widget>[

If you have multiple slivers which depend on Futures or Streams, you can chain the builders:

return FutureBuilder<..>(
  builder: (context, snapshot1) {
    return FutureBuilder<..>(
      builder: (context, snapshot2) {
        return CustomScrollView(...);

