How to use django-debug-toolbar on AJAX calls?

Update: this functionality is now built into django-debug-toolbar

It was added in this PR and released in version 3.0

The old answer may still be useful for older versions of the toolbar:

I wrote the Request History Panel for Django Debug Toolbar that can be added to the Django Debug Toolbar to view requests other than the current one (including AJAX requests).

Install via pip:

pip install django-debug-toolbar-request-history

In add 'ddt_request_history.panels.request_history.RequestHistoryPanel' to DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS e.g.:

    'ddt_request_history.panels.request_history.RequestHistoryPanel',  # Here it is 

I had the same problem before! And as I'm doing more and more AJAX heavy applications, I released a Django Application and a Chrome extension that together solved exactly that problem.

All the information is in the github repository.