How to use custom Input with Formik in React?

I resolve this like

   onChange={e => setFieldValue('joinedAt', e)}

Update on 2020-03-08:

You can use on setFieldValue's second prop, depends on your custom input design. Thanks to Brandon.

For html primitive input fields handleChange works like a charm, but for custom components, you've to use setFieldValue to change the value imperatively.

onChange={e => setFieldValue('joinedAt', e)}

If you have deeper nesting, you should use Formik Field. Example:

    onSubmit={(values, actions) => {}}

  <Field name="colors" component={ColorsEditor}  colors={colorArray}/>

const ColorsEditor = ({ field, colors, form, ...props }) => {

    return (
            <Button onClick={() => form.setFieldValue('colors', "myValue")}>

So the Field component already include the form, where live the setFieldValue that you can use where you need. It also include the errors and needed fields for additional customization.

The accepted answer didn't work for me and didn't show the selected date. It has been almost a year so there might be some changes with the implementation. Though this can be fix by using toDateString() like this

   onChange={e => setFieldValue('joinedAt', e.toDateString())}