How to use ConfigMap configuration with Helm NginX Ingress controller - Kubernetes

I've managed to display what YAML gets executed by Helm using the: --dry-run --debug options at the end of helm install command. Then I've noticed that there controller is executed with the: --configmap={namespace-where-the-nginx-ingress-is-deployed}/{name-of-the-helm-chart}-nginx-ingress-controller. In order to load your ConfigMap you need to override it with your own (check out the namespace).

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: {name-of-the-helm-chart}-nginx-ingress-controller
  namespace: {namespace-where-the-nginx-ingress-is-deployed}
  proxy-read-timeout: "86400"
  proxy-body-size: "2g"
  use-http2: "false"

The list of config properties can be found here.

One can pass config mag properties at the time of installation too:

helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name nginx-ingress --set controller.config.use-forwarded-headers='"true"'

NOTE: for non-string values had to use single quotes around double quotes to get it working.

If you used helm install to install the ingress-nginx, if no explicit value for which ConfigMap the nginx controller should look at was passed, the default value seems like it is {namespace}/{release-name}-nginx-ingress-controller. This is generated by (See similar if it's a dead link).

To verify for yourself, try to find your command that you installed the ingress-nginx chart with, and add --dry-run --debug to the command. This will show you the yaml files generated by Tiller to be applied to the cluster. The line # Source: nginx-ingress/templates/controller-deployment.yaml begins the controller deployment which has an arg of --configmap=. The value of this arg is what needs to be the name of the ConfigMap for the controller to sense, and use to update its own .conf file. This could be passed explicitly, but if it is not, it will have a default value.

If a ConfigMap is created with the RIGHT name, the controller's logs will show that it picked up the configuration change and reloaded itself.

This can be verified with kubectl logs <pod-name-of-controller> -n <namespace-arg-if-not-in-default-namespace>. My log messages contained the text Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. These log messages will not be present if the ConfigMap name was wrong.

I believe the official documentation for this is unnecessarily lacking, but maybe I'm incorrect? I will try to submit a PR with these details. Someone who knows more should help flesh them out so people don't need to stumble on this unnecessarily.

Cheers, thanks for your post.