How to use antd.Form.create in typescript?

  1. Import the FormComponentProps

    import {FormComponentProps} from 'antd/lib/form/Form';
  2. Then have your component

    interface YourProps {
        test: string;
    class YourComponent extends React.Component<YourProps & FormComponentProps> {
        constructor(props: YourProps & FormComponentProps) {
  3. Then export the class using Form.create()

    export default Form.create<YourProps>()(YourComponent);

    The generic argument on Form.create casts the result to a React ComponentClass with YourProps - without FormComponentProps, because these are being injected through the Form.create wrapper component.

I got a better approach from antd documentation

import { Form } from 'antd';
import { FormComponentProps } from 'antd/lib/form';

interface UserFormProps extends FormComponentProps {
  age: number;
  name: string;

class UserForm extends React.Component<UserFormProps, any> {
  // ...

const App = Form.create<UserFormProps>({
  // ...