How to upload laravel project on subdomain?

Assuming you are using cPanel to create subdomain. Below are the general steps that are required to setup sub-domain for laravel-project.

  1. Create your sub-domain
  2. Upload your laravel project to the sub-domain home directory.
  3. After you have uploaded all the files. Update your sub-domain document-root to point to public_html/registration/public/ folder, you can do this from sub-domain manager inside cPanel see.

After following 1-3 steps you should see your laravel project. However you also need to setup proper file permissions on laravel's bootstrap, storage folder to get it up and running.

Let us know if this helps you or not.

Do as what @Samundra mentioned. If you have confusion this is the place where you need to put public_html/registration/public in your cPanel -> Sub-Domain

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