How to upload file from command line as file parameter in jenkins

If you need to send both string parameters and a file parameter, you can do the following:

json='{"parameter": [{"name": "param1", "value": "value1"},
  {"name": "param2", "value": "value2"},
  {"name":"fileParam", "file":"file0"}]}'


curl -v $url -F file0=@/some/folder/path/ -F json="$json" --user username:password

I had to make sure that the parameters param1, param2 and fileParm exist in the Jenkins job My_Remote_Jenkins_Job.

The solution I have used (based on Christophers suggestion of using jenkins-cli) is:

java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://jenkins:8080 build Build -p main.c=hello.c

Which with a File Parameter of main.c will upload your local hello.c to the the workspace of the Build job as main.c

This is described in the Jenkins Remote access API page:

curl http://jenkins/job/$JOB_NAME/build -F file0=@PATH_TO_FILE -F json='{"parameter": [{"name":"FILE_LOCATION_AS_SET_IN_JENKINS", "file":"file0"}]}'

Note that you need to use the URL /build instead of /buildWithParameters