how to unsubscribe several subscriber in angular 2

You can collect subscriptions that you want to unsubscribe at once in ngOnDestroy() in an array

export class AstronautComponent implements OnDestroy{
  @Input() astronaut: string;
  mission = "<no mission announced>";
  confirmed = false;
  announced = false;
  subscriptions:Subscription[] = [];

  constructor(private missionService: MissionService) {
      mission => {
        this.mission = mission;
        this.announced = true;
        this.confirmed = false;


  confirm() {
    this.confirmed = true;

    // prevent memory leak when component destroyed
    this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe());

A Subscription can hold child subscriptions and safely unsubscribe them all. This method handles possible errors (e.g. if any child subscriptions are null). Also, if any subscriptions are added after ngOnDestroy is called, they will be immediately unsubscribed.

It should be noted that Subscription.add() returns the added subscription. So chaining add() like subManager.add(sub1).add(sub2) will add sub2 to sub1. This will be an issue if sub1 is unsubscribed at an earlier time, as it will also unsubscribe from sub2.

import { OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription";

export class MyComponent implements OnDestroy {
    ob1: Observable<number>;
    ob2: Observable<number>;
    subManager = new Subscription();

    constructor() {
        this.ob1 = Observable.interval(1000);
        this.ob2 = Observable.interval(2000);

        let sub1 = this.ob1.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
        let sub2 = this.ob2.subscribe(val => console.log(val));

        // DO NOT CHAIN add() - SEE ABOVE

    ngOnDestroy() {

From the documentation:

Additionally, subscriptions may be grouped together through the add() method, which will attach a child Subscription to the current Subscription. When a Subscription is unsubscribed, all its children (and its grandchildren) will be unsubscribed as well.


If this subscription is already in an closed state, the passed tear down logic will be executed immediately.