How to unit-test code that uses python-multiprocessing

I prefer to mock multiprocessing in unit tests using python mock. Because unit tests should be independent and repeatable. That's why usually I'm creating mock version of multiprocessing classes (Process and Pool). Just to be sure that my tests are executed in right manner.

It looks like (see

There is a bug in all Pythons up to 2.7.6 (i.e. all 2.x so far, April 17 2014) that breaks using unittest and multiprocessing module on Windows. ... It's fixed in new Pythons 3.x but haven't been backported to 2.x yet

I see people advising:

  • patch multiprocessing module itself (a blogpost from first link has a link to the patch. I currently cannot post more than two links here)
  • or implement similar workaround in test module: an example of workaround in a test

A code (non-significantly modified) from "an example of workaround in a test":

import unittest
import sys
class TestSample(unittest.TestCase):
    def test(self):

        # To fix the Windows forking system it's necessary to point __main__ to
        # the module we want to execute in the forked process
        old_main =                          sys.modules["__main__"]
        old_main_file =                     sys.modules["__main__"].__file__
        sys.modules["__main__"] =           sys.modules["app"]
        sys.modules["__main__"].__file__ =  sys.modules["app"].__file__

        # do your testing here

        sys.modules["__main__"] =           old_main
        sys.modules["__main__"].__file__ =  old_main_file

Disclaimer: I haven't tried either of those solutions by myself (at least yet). I came across them, and this question, while trying to solve different problem. If I try any of those solutions, I'll amend this post.