How to uninstall Homebrew Cask

For the current version of Brew:

$ brew uninstall --cask yed

For older versions of Brew:

$ brew cask uninstall yed

the result:

==> Removing App symlink: '/Users/user/Applications/'

As of Homebrew version 0.9.5, it appears that brew search will find items in Caskroom/cask/ without actually having Homebrew Cask installed. You can also install them, but this will actually install brew-cask as a dependency along the way.


brew install Caskroom/cask/atext

Command the terminal to "untap" at the prompt [MacOS Catalina 10.15.2]


brew untap homebrew/cask-fonts

Expected output

Untapping homebrew/cask-fonts...
Untapped 1571 casks (1,713 files, 11.4MB)