How to "undo" unzip command?

use this:

unzip -l filename |  awk 'BEGIN { OFS="" ; ORS="" } ; { for ( i=4; i<NF; i++ ) print $i " "; print $NF "\n" }' | xargs -I{} rm -v {}

Use this if you are skeptical (will prompt for confirmation)

unzip -l filename |  awk 'BEGIN { OFS="" ; ORS="" } ; { for ( i=4; i<NF; i++ ) print $i " "; print $NF "\n" }' | xargs -I{} rm -iv {} 

You're in a rough spot; the standard zipinfo(1) utility doesn't provide any mechanism to get unambiguous filenames out of an archive. But, you can come close:

zipinfo -1 /path/to/zip/ | xargs -d '\n' rm -i

If you're sure none of the files have newlines in them, you can remove the -i option to rm(1) (which will surely get tedious).

unzip -Z -1 <> | xargs -I{} rm -v {}

Does the job because -Z invokes zipinfo utility and -1 option tells it to print only filenames

You can find more details about this through man unzip and man 1 zipinfo commands


