How to understand the usage of parameters of Image?

If the data is 2D, then each row is taken as one row of pixels, whose gray level is given by one value

white = 1; black = 0; gray = 0.5;
data = {{white, black, gray},
        { gray, white, black},
        {white, gray, black}};
r = Image[data]

Since data is 2D, then the image will have 9 pixels, with 3 rows and 3 columns, each pixel value is gray level given as above

Mathematica graphics

If the data is 3D, and if each entry contains 3 numbers, then they are interpreted as RGB value of each pixel. So using the same data as above, but making it 3D, we get one row with only 3 pixels now


Mathematica graphics

First pixel above has color RBG {1,0,.5} and second pixel has {.5,1,0} and third pixel has color RGB {1,.5,0}

Now if the data is 3D, but each element do not have 3 numbers in it, but only 2 or 4, 5, etc... numbers, as in your example, then Mathematica interpret these as "equally spaced hues"

Mathematica graphics

So now

data = {{white, black},{ gray, white},{white, gray}};

Mathematica graphics

In your example, data is 3D, but each entry has only 2 numbers. So it falls into the above case.

Mathematica graphics

Your data data = RandomReal[1, {3, 4, 2}] has 3 rows and 4 columns. But has 2 numbers in each entry of each row.

To make it RGB, then use data = RandomReal[1, {3, 4, 3}]

So this is RGB

data = RandomReal[1, {3, 4, 3}];

Mathematica graphics

And this is Hue

data = RandomReal[1, {3, 4, 2}];

Mathematica graphics

2-channel Image

Image[Sqrt[2] {{{1, 0}, {0, 1}}}]

Hue[#/2] & /@ Range[2]

can be expressed as Hue .

Table[{x, y}, {x, -2, 2, .05}, {y, -2, 2, .05}] // Image


mod[x_, y_] := If[# == 0, y, #] &@Mod[x, y];
Table[If[x == y == 0, Black, 
   Hue[3/Pi ArcTan[y, x], 1, mod[Sqrt[(x^2 + y^2)/2], 1]]], {x, -2, 
   2, .05}, {y, -2, 2, .05}] // Image

behave similarly

2-Channel Image

Multichannel Image

 Table[ColorConvert[Image[Table[n IdentityMatrix[m], {n, 0, 4, .1}]], 
   "RGB"], {m, 10}]]

can be expressed as RGBColor .

n-Channel Image

4-channel Image:

t = RandomReal[Ceiling[4/3], {4}];
{Image[{{t}}], Image@RGBColor[#, (#2 + #3)/2, #4] & @@ t}

5-channel Image:

t = RandomReal[Ceiling[5/3], {5}];
{Image[{{t}}], Image@RGBColor[#, (#2 + #3)/2, (#4 + #5)/2] & @@ t}

6-channel Image:

t = RandomReal[Ceiling[6/3], {6}];
 Image@RGBColor[(#1 + #2)/2, (#3 + #4)/2, (#5 + #6)/2] & @@ t}

10-channel Image:

   Module[{l = Length[#], r, g}, If[l < 3, Abort[]]; 
    g = Ceiling[l/3];
    r = If[3 g == l, g, g - 1];
    RGBColor @@ (Mean /@ {#[[;; r]], #[[r + 1 ;; 
            r + g]], #[[r + g + 1 ;; l]]}) // Image]} &[
 RandomReal[1, {10}]]

I don't know the theory of this, but if you convert the "two channel" color to RGB you find you always get a color with one of the three components zero:

     ColorConvert[Image[{{ {Cos[t], Sin[t]}}}], "RGB"]][[1, 1]],
   {t, 0, Pi/2, .01}]], Joined -> True, 
 PlotStyle -> {Red, Green, Blue}, DataRange -> {0, Pi/2}]

enter image description here

here is a map of the full color space..

Image[Table[ {i, j}/100, {i, 0, 100}, {j, 0, 100}]]

enter image description here

or looking beyond the range 0-1 :

Image[Table[ {i, j}, {i, -3, 3, .002}, {j, -3, 3, .002}]]

enter image description here

the circles represent Norm[{c1,c2}]== n Sqrt[2]


