How to uncheck checked items in Navigation View?

This will uncheck the items:

    int size = mNavigationView.getMenu().size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

I saw @arsent solution and gave it a try, and it will indeed do what you want, which is to unselect all the items... but, I was having an issue in the following scenario:

  1. Select menu item 1 (using NavigationView#setCheckedItem)
  2. Unselect all the items as per @arsent's solution
  3. Select menu item 1 again (using NavigationView#setCheckedItem)

In this scenario, item 1 will not be marked as checked. That's because internally the navigation view keeps track of the previously selected item set in step 1, which doesn't change in step 2, and it just skips step 3 because the previously selected item is the same as the one we're selecting now.

My suggestion (and an alternative solution) to avoid this is just having a dummy invisible item and use NavigationView#setCheckedItem to select that item whenever you want to unselect all, like so


To unselect all just do


just make your items non checkable like so


To uncheck all MenuItems including SubMenu items you have to use recursion -

    private void unCheckAllMenuItems(@NonNull final Menu menu) {
        int size = menu.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            final MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
            if(item.hasSubMenu()) {
                // Un check sub menu items
            } else {

Call above method for unchecking all items, like below -
